
Monday 30 November 2015

Almsot finished

This is what I have at this current moment, I have the elements of the article together, it is just a matter of combining them.

I think that it would  have been nicer if i had made the cover page have reached the edges of the page instead of having it separated.
I also think that the contents page could have had some more sections for me to write about

I liked the sizing on the cover page as it used size, touch ups, and cover lines well.

Here is the before and after of the touching up i did for my model. I changed the saturation on the image for my house style as well as removed sports & other imperfections on my models face.

Tuesday 17 November 2015

Design Of Cover Page

I ahev started the design of the cover page so that I can be prepared to simply add the images after the photoshoot takes place. I can not make any more progress until my model has done all the things they need to do in preperation to take the photo's at this time. So i am doing all i can do for now.

Monday 16 November 2015

Design & Call Sheet

Current design layout for my contents & cover page. The double page spread is yet to be made.
There is some information written in the design about how i want it to look.
The call sheet is almost completed. I need to fill in a small amount of information. Such as the time that i wish to complete my magazine.

Friday 6 November 2015

PRMNT Magazine Proposal

This is my proposal to the magazine itself. I was given some feedback, and people asked questions about my magazine.
(Sorry for the video being cut short, I was not editing the video, as it was all one long clip)

I was told that I should think more about specific things that I want to happen in my magazine. I have thought about running regular Q&A's, and also spotlight pages for a 'who to watch' area. This would suite my audience as they are quite adventurous, and would like to find upcoming stars.
They also told me that I should think if greyscale images is the best idea, it was simply a question. I have come to conclusion that this will work, the whole page will not be black & white, there will be colour on some of the text, and also part of my house style is going to be strips of colour around the edges of the pages.

Tuesday 3 November 2015

London Bridge

My cover star is likely to fit the persona of one of two people, depending on which model I can get in for my photo-shoot. I would prefer to get someone that is likely to fit the persona of 'G-Eazy' however I do not think that this is going to be viable as his clothing choice is very unique and would cost a lot to buy in just for my photo-shoot.
Whereas my other possible persona is more a casual stereotypical American as he is trying to not seem out of the ordinary, and relatable, so he should be easy to replicate. He wears normal clothes and is called Witt Lowry.

Monday 2 November 2015


Here are the general ideas for my proposal which i will be presenting to the class;

It will be titled PRMNT. Which stands for the word Prominent. Prominent is also another word for famous or important.

This would suite my audience as the people i will be targeting listen to underrated rappers. They will be looking for those people that are 'almost on' so the name PRMNT is quite ironic, but the audience will understand this.