
Monday 30 November 2015

Almsot finished

This is what I have at this current moment, I have the elements of the article together, it is just a matter of combining them.

I think that it would  have been nicer if i had made the cover page have reached the edges of the page instead of having it separated.
I also think that the contents page could have had some more sections for me to write about

I liked the sizing on the cover page as it used size, touch ups, and cover lines well.

Here is the before and after of the touching up i did for my model. I changed the saturation on the image for my house style as well as removed sports & other imperfections on my models face.


  1. Good work, the masthead is the brightest thing on the page so it works well, and the first bit of writing i saw was your pull quote on the right, so the layout of this is excellent if this is what you wanted to achieve. The DPS is nicely laid out, and the colour scheme of red and white writing is reflected on the cover page too which is good. The only criticism i have, which is the same as yours is to make the writing go to the edges. Other than that it is really good.

  2. I like how the masthead stands out the most. I think that the cover lines should be a bit bigger too because they're supposed to also catch attention. I like the colour schemes and the layout of the pages

  3. Well done, I like the shot of the artist. To improve on the cover page i think that you could have structured the cover lines properly and made them bigger as it is not really attractive. The master head is really attractive.

    For the contents page i think that you could have kept short bullet points as the contents page is supposed to be simple and quick to read. By looking at everything i think that your genre is rock.
