
Tuesday 6 October 2015

Contents & Cover

 I have finished my cover page & contents page. I thought about the design heavily & i have slimmed it down to making sure that the text was easily visible, the layout was clean, attractive yet easily readable. However the design i feel could have been a bit more suitable for a college magazine and could have done with having more friendly colours and not being grey and red. A blue may have been more suitable as it is a more calming and welcoming colour

I designed a small logo for branding and so that i could have a more clear house style. It is located in the bottom right of each page, and very small.

I think that the cover page could have had a better image that is slightly more suitable for a college magazine as the books in my hand are not quite enough to make it obvious of the subject matter.

I found it hard to make the text readable on the cover page as the image itself was quite a neutral grey and either colour i put over the top of this would have made it hard to read. The blurred invert did not work quite as well as i had hoped, but if you are trying to read it you can still read it.

Other people liked the layout and said that they thought that it looked professional. They also liked the effects that I used, my making images greyscale & overlaying a red shape to tint the image. They also liked the lack of text that was on the cover as it makes it look east to read, they implied that it would make it more likely for someone to pick up.


  1. I like the colour scheme of black & white with a bit of red on both the cover page and the contents page. There's not too much writing on the cover page which makes it more likely for someone to pick up the magazine and read it. The contents page is humorous which is good because no one likes to read boring things.
    I think the numbers on the contents page should go in order though because it doesn't really make sense.

  2. COVER: Love the use of a grayscale image with a corner of red, it gives a personal touch to your magazine. It looks very professional and the layout makes it clear and easy to read.

    CONTENTS: Again, love your house style. It does give a slight gloomy sense to the magazine, if that what you was aiming for then that's good.

  3. COVER: Love the use of a grayscale image with a corner of red, it gives a personal touch to your magazine. It looks very professional and the layout makes it clear and easy to read.

    CONTENTS: Again, love your house style. It does give a slight gloomy sense to the magazine, if that what you was aiming for then that's good.

  4. Your works shows good technical skills and some clear understanding of convention. Well done! Your evaluation needs to make clear 3 skills you would like to develop further in making your music mag.
