
Monday 28 September 2015

Article Analysis

The article has a large header text and is very bold and fills the space provided. it is very prominent on the page. The rest of the text is not as bold but is effective in taking up the space. There is a medium sized quote located in the centre of the page which gives you an idea of what the article is orientated around as well as the header itself. The layout is very professional but it means that it is easy to read. There is a very symmetrical feel about this article.

The next article uses images a lot too. This seems to be a recurring theme through all the magazines that i have looked at. I think that the text was rather small but the same could be said abotu their cover page. I think that this is just their house style and it used to make the magazine seem more upper class than it actually is and have people be proud to read it. Large texts can be associated with children's books, so small text must do the opposite.

The header text is not noticeable as it is in brackets, but it is still larger than the rest of the articles text so you can tell that it still is technically the header text.

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